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Putting People First: Adult Social Care in West Sussex

Commissioning | Service redesign | Improvement planning | Data analysis | Project management | Workforce development

The 'Why'

West Sussex County Council was keen to develop a new strategic approach to supporting adults in the county and commissioned Roretti to help develop and deliver a programme of work that would form the basis for longer term improvement.

What We Did

  • Adult social care strategy: Working with staff, partners, customers and carers, we helped co-design a new 4-year strategy for adult social care called ‘the Life You Want to Lead’.  Through 10 workshops, 10 focus groups and a survey that prompted over 1,000 responses from customers, carers and staff, were able to develop a 4-year strategy based on the voices of the people who receive care.​

  • Review and analysis: We undertook deep-dive reviews of commissioning and operations, producing a full ‘as-is’ process map of what services currently look like compared to what people want and need, as set out in the Life You Want to Lead.  We also examined existing and future demand for services to identify scale of change required.

  • Delivery: We supported delivery of changes, including

    • Governance: Establishment of a new PMO, including new staff and skills development programme; and new programme oversight to track delivery of change.

    • Commissioning: team restructure, development of a new commissioning strategy and market position statements, and a new commissioning workforce skills development programme for over 100 members of staff.

    • Operations: New models for transition from children’s to adult services, and intermediate care pathways to support people out of hospital.

    • Partnerships: New VCSE collaboration board established and commissioning forum for ‘people’ services to promote collaboration inside and outside the Council.


  • A shared adult social care strategy: Owned by local people and partners that were involved in its development.

  • Foundations for change: Good governance and partnership working with the VCSE and NHS to jointly deliver change.

  • Market development: A deeper understanding of current and future demand on which to work with the care market to develop accommodation and support fit for the future.

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