The 'Why'
West Sussex County Council commissioned Roretti to work with the Executive Leadership Team (ELT), Leader and Cabinet to develop a new corporate plan, business planning framework and corporate performance framework to set out the strategic direction of the council.
What we did
Staff Engagement: we worked closely with the ELT, elected members, and staff across all council directorates to identify 5 key priorities that reflected the needs of the county to form the foundation of the corporate strategy.
Business Plans: to ensure the new corporate plan would be fit for purpose and enable staff in different areas to deliver their commitments, we worked with corporate teams to develop a new structure for business planning. The new structure ensured robust approach to delivering the new corporate plan and made clear how budget allocations would be used to support delivery.
·Corporate Performance Framework: We collaborated with the corporate performance and finance teams to develop a new corporate performance framework. This framework streamlines monitoring of KPIs set out in the council's plan, budget, risk assessments, and workforce planning documents.
‘Our Council Plan 2021-25’: The new corporate plan, Our Council Plan 2021-25, was agreed by the Council’s Cabinet in February 2021.
New Frameworks: A new corporate performance framework was implemented in June 2021 to support the monitoring of projects set out under the new structure for business planning.